Child Support and Custody

Getting a divorce is not always the end of a couple’s problems. When there are minor children or support issues to deal with, the divorce often is just the tip of an iceberg of problems. Solving child custody and support matters is a special interest area of law for Attorney Chris T. Murray. He welcomes the opportunity to help clients from across Arkansas work through these types of problems that often arise in a divorce situation.

Murray Law Office

Clients come to Murray Law Office, in Conway Arkansas, for help solving difficult divorce matters. From an initial separation and divorce to later issues about child custody, guardianship, visitation and support, Attorney Chris Murray is ready to work hard to help his clients get through very complex and stressful times. He understands the pressures and emotions that are involved with family law matters and offers clients the benefit of his problem-solving experience and affordable professional legal services.

Attorney Chris T. Murray

Always accessible to clients, Attorney Chris T. Murray is proud to have helped a great number of people improve their lives. His clients and their families enjoy working with Chris, even on the most delicate family matters. The welfare of minor children is always a major concern, and finding workable solutions for all is the best way to gain positive results from a divorce situation.

Child Custody Lawyer

In his work as a child custody lawyer, Chris maintains close contact with his clients and helps them get away from the anger and contention that prevents them from finding solutions to problems. His background in family law matters is a valuable asset that allows him to help his clients iron out differences about child custody and support. He is always ready to fight hard for client rights and to create the best outcome for minor children.

When you need legal representation to gain child custody or support, to make post-judgment modifications, or when you need help solving other issues that arise from your divorce, turn to a reliable legal professional at the Murray Law Office. Get the help you need from Attorney Chris T. Murray, at his Conway, AR, law office. Call him now, at (501) 425-8277.

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